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Apple as the new Disney

Apple as the new Disney

There are about 5.5bn adults on earth; 5bn now have a mobile phone, 3.5-4bn have a smartphone, and 800m of those smartphones are iPhones. We connected the Earth, and Apple did pretty well out of that.... »


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  • minah posted an update 3 weeks, 5 days ago


  • minah posted an update 3 weeks, 6 days ago


  • minah posted an update 4 weeks ago


  • minah posted an update 4 weeks ago

    在日本的商业社会中,日本电装最早在 1994 年发明二维码,结果发扬光大的却是中国的微信、支付宝;20 世纪日本人做出了全球保质期最久、最优秀的存储芯片,全世界却在韩国人的带领下爱上了良率不高却足够便宜的三星存储;再后来,新能源时代,日本人一步到位发展起了最清洁的燃料电池,但新能源汽车却在特斯拉的带领下,集体奔赴锂电池的星辰大海。

  • kafei1949 posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago


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