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On Shutting Down

On Shutting Down

It makes sense that founders and investors spend so much time talking about things that go well. If we spent all of our time dwelling on the companies that failed, we wouldn’t have time for much else.... »


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  • minah posted an update 12 months ago


    全球Facebook用户数量(月活跃用户):29.89亿 (2023 年 4 月)
    每天使用 Facebook 的人数(DAU):20.37 亿 (2023 年 4 月)
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    Facebook 的月活跃用户相当于地球上总人口的37.2%。客观地说,Facebook 的活跃用户群现在比中国和印度的人口总和还多。

    然而,Facebook 限制 13 岁及以下的人使用其平台,因此,如果我们…[Read more]

  • minah posted an update 1 year ago


  • minah posted an update 1 year ago


  • minah posted an update 1 year ago


  • minah posted an update 1 year ago


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On Shutting Down

On Shutting Down