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Never use the word “User” in your code

Never use the word “User” in your code

You’re six months into a project when you realize a tiny, simple assumption you made at the start was completely wrong. And now you need to fix the problem while keeping the existing system running—wi... »


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  • minah posted an update 7 months ago


  • minah posted an update in the group Group logo of In The BoxIn The Box 7 months ago

    仔细想想,其实「鞋」的发明真的有点哲学在里面。 不用投入额外的人力物力去解决掉客观世界里所有妨碍我脚行走的因素。 只需要做出一双合脚的鞋,让自己穿上鞋,安全行走这件事居然解决了。 你可以让自己永远踩在羊毛地毯上,而不需要把整个世界铺满羊毛地毯。

  • minah posted an update 7 months ago


  • minah posted an update 7 months ago


  • minah posted an update 7 months ago


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Never use the word “User” in your code

Never use the word “User” in your code

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