
The Coders Programming Themselves Out of a Job

The Coders Programming Themselves Out of a Job

In 2016, an anonymous confession appeared on Reddit: “From around six years ago up until now, I have done nothing at work.” As far as office confessions go, that might seem pretty tepid. But this coder, posting as FiletOFish1066, said he worked for a well-known tech company, and he really meant nothing. He wrote that within eight months of arriving on the quality-assurance job, he h... »

The supply chain of software

The supply chain of software

Thirty years ago, the number of software companies in the world was small—think Microsoft, SAP, and Oracle—and they wrote every piece of software that comprised their products. There was no supply chain for building software. However, as companies began to evolve, multiply, and compete, the industry evolved along with it. And every mature industry has a supply chain. Consider the in... »

Trading time for money

Trading time for money

According to conventional wisdom, if you earn 31€/hour, and a task costs less than that to outsource, then you should always pay someone else to do it. For example, if your cleaning person charges 15€/hour, you save 16€ for every hour you spend at work instead of cleaning your house. I’ve encountered this advice quite often, particularly among the wealthier, productivity porn-loving, 4-... »

Don’t End The Week With Nothing

Don’t End The Week With Nothing

Hiya guys! Patrick (patio11) here. You’re getting this email from me because you asked for my occasional thoughts on making and selling software. Usually I concentrate more on the needs of established software businesses, but recently I’ve been asked for some advice by people who are still in the trenches working at a traditional day job. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with day... »

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